The Intuitive RiderAcademy presents

6-Day X-Mas Special

Bring more joy to your riding! Let’s have fun learning together and join a wonderful group of like-minded women at The Intuitive Rider Academy for only $27 now (regular price $95).

Offer expires on Tuesday.

Our first topic in January will be “The Four Basics of Centered Riding” – the foundation of your riding, independent of your discipline and level of experience.

Become more confident, balanced and subtle with your communication, so you and your horse will have more fun together when riding!

Stop the guess work now, and let me show you step by step how to get there.

Check out these 2-minute videos – one for each principl of training.

Day 1

Learn on the ground first!

Day 2

Change comes from non-judgmental self-observation!

Day 3

Let joy be the antidote to perfectionism!

Day 4

Learn from the things that are already working.

Day 5

Day 6