Riding To Connect

Interactive Online Learning 

  • Understand what exactly you need to do with your body to feel safe.
  • Communicate intuitively with your horse.
  • Learn how to use meditation and mindfulness to stay present.
  • Learn how to handle fear and frustration ... that rob you of JOY.


self-paced program
6 Topics


one time payment

  1. The Four Basics
  2. Art of the Connected Seat
  3. Symmetry of the Rider
  4. Symmetry of the Horse
  5. Contact to the Horse’s Mouth
  6. Transitions and Half Halts


self-paced program
12 Topics


one time payment

All 6 topics from Bronze

  1. Rhythm
  2. Suppleness
  3. Symmetry and Lateral Work
  4. Horse on the Bit
  5. Impulsion through Cavaletti
  6. Collection


self-paced program
18 Topics


one time payment

All 12 topics from Bronze and Silver

  1. Feel and Improve the Energy from the Hind.
  2. Feel and Improve the Bendability.
  3. Feel and Improve the Canter.
  4. Feel and Influence the Body Parts.
  5. Feel and Improve the Connection
  6. Connected Consciousness

All 3 programs include


Unlimited Access to the Member Portal

  • Short, easy to do exercises on video, audio, and in written form to improve your riding and your body awareness instantly. Change your riding by changing yourself in this fun and relaxed way!
  • It’s self-paced and you can choose the level of accountability and support that’s right for you.

Ongoing Support

  • Connect with a community of like-minded women, and get your questions answered in the member portal or in our private Facebook group.

Use the below link and choose the program that works best for you: Bronze, Silver, or Gold and find joy in Riding To Connect.