A Simple Breathing Exercise

A Simple Breathing Exercise

photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash Stories & Inspiration A Simple Breathing Exercise Improve your breathing habits with this simple  Breathing exercise to use In the saddle or on the ground. Here is a super simple way of using your breathing when riding (or on the...

Ellen, Riding Enthusiast

I have been loving my video assessments with Carla. I learn so much because we are both watching the same video of me riding. I can see exactly what my horse and I are doing. It’s helped me correct both crookedness in myself and straightness in my horse. Ellen...
Energetic Oneness Program

Energetic Oneness Program

Energetic|Oneness|Program Ride, Trust And Connect To Your Horse Like Never Before! Become the horse person you and your horse want you to be through personal development processes that will amaze you. N Understand what your horse is trying to tell you. N Let go of...