Stories & Inspiration

Journey On Summit 2022

by | Dec 5, 2022

The Journey On Summit was an epic event on many levels. Here is my personal experience as a presenter:

I went with an open and curious mind. And as much as I was certain it would be an amazing event, I was also curious to see how it would unfold. There were 23 (!) 20-minute presentations planned for the three days, plus panel discussions. Would people get too exhausted to pay attention to all of the great content?

The presenters are all amazing educators, but we hadn’t coordinated our presentations much. Would it be too repetitive or too much unstructured information?

And then this happened: the presenters were in complete alignment, and we deeply bonded through this experience. We were basically talking about the same thing but from so many different, fascinating angles, that each and every presentation held the audience spell-bound and at the edge of their seats, delivering a complete, deeply moving experience for everyone I have talked to and heard from.

What was this “one thing” we all talked about? I can’t even say exactly. “How horses shape our lives and make us better humans” is only a part of it. The Summit was held in a bubble of love and appreciation for horses and each other. And there was “something else”: a clearly palpable “response from above” – a resonance of spiritual energies that transformed people’s lives – mine included.

And here is one of my favorite photos of the summit: Getting photobombed by Warwick Schiller while taking a selfie with fellow presenters Dr. Susan Fay and Dr. Steven Peters, Jane Pike in the background.

If you missed it: it was recorded. You can purchase the recordings of all 3 days of the Journey On Summit and enjoy lifetime access to Talks and Panel Discussions.I don’t know how long these stream tickets will be available.